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ORGL 506 Leadership and Diversity




Through the application of social constructionism theory, participants in this course explore the ways on which racial, ethnic, gender, and class identities are socially constructed in the United States, and the implications of this for the global community. Intercultural communication, learning about various identities, practices, and cultures, and bridging differences are the foci of developing an understanding of the various roles individuals occupy in our society.




  • Allen, B. J. (2011). Difference matters: Communicating social identity (2nd ed.). Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press.

  • Bordas, J. (2012). Salsa, soul, and spirit: Leadership for a multicultural age (2nd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.

  • Hagis, P. (Director). (2004). Crash [Motion Picture]. United States.

  • hooks, b. (2000). Where we stand: Class matters. New York: Routledge.

  • Jeffcoat, J. (Director). (2006). Outsourced [Motion Picture].

  • Muccino, G. (Director). (2006). The pursuit of happyness [Motion Picture]. United States.

  • Samovar, L. A., Porter, R. E., & McDaniel, E. R. (2009). Intercultural effectiveness: A reader. In G.-M. Chen, Intercultural communication (12th ed., pp. 393-400). Boston: Wadsworth.

  • Satrapi, M., & Paronnaud, V. (Directors). (2007). Persepolis [Motion Picture]. France.



  • Adams, J. R., Benshoff, J. M., & Harrington, S. Y. (2007). An examination of referrals to the school counselor by race, gender and family structure. Professional School Counseling , 10 (4), 389-398.

  • Archer, L., Halsall, A., & Hollingworth, S. (2007). Inner-city femininities and eduation: "Race", class, gender and schooling in young women's lives. Gender and Education , 19 (5), 549-568.

  • Bradshaw, C. P., Koth, C. W., Bevans, K. B., Ialongo, N., & Nicholas, L. P. (2008). The impact of school-wide positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS) on the organizational health of elementary schools. School Psychology Quarterly , 23 (4), 462-473.

  • Caputo, J., Hazel, H. C., McMahon, C., & Darnels, D. (2002). Communicatin effectively: Linking thought and expression. In Interpersonal communication in the global village: Issues of culture and gender (3rd ed., p. Chapter 12). Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall-Hunt Publishing.

  • DeCastro-Ambrosetti, D., & Cho, G. (2011). A look at "Lookism": A critical analysis of teachers' expectations based on student appearance. Multicultural Education , 18 (2), 51-54.

  • Estrada-Martinez, L. M., & Caldwell, C. (2013). Families, neighborhood socio-demographic factors, and violent behaviors among latino, white and black adolescents. Youth and Society , 45 (2), 221-242.

  • Gorman, E. (2005). Gender stereotypes, same-gender preferences, and organizational variation in the hiring of women: Evidence from law firms. American Sociological Review , 70 (4), 702-728.

  • Gorski, P. (2008). Poverty for profit: Elements of oppression in Ruby Payne's framework . Equity & Excellence in Education , 41 (1), 130-148.

  • Guy, M. E., & Newman, M. A. (2004). Women's jobs, men's jobs: Sex segregation and emotional labor. Public Administration Review , 64 (3), 289-298.

  • Hall, B. (2004). Why Do So Many People Get Treated So Poorly? In B. Hall, Among culture: The challenge of communication (2nd ed., p. Chapter 7). New York: Harcourt.

  • Harrison, M. I., & Shirom, A. (1999). Organizational Diagnosis and Assessment. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.

  • Huaqing, Q. C., & Kaiser, A. P. (2003). Behavior problems of preschool children from low-income families: Review of the literature. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education , 23 (4), 188-216.

  • Kern, L., & Clemens, N. H. (2007). Antecedent strategies to promote appropriate classroom behavior. Psychology in the Schools , 44 (1), 65-75.

  • Law, E. (1993). The wolf shall dwell with the lamb: A spirituality for leaadership in a multicultural community. Danvers, MA: Chalice Press.

  • Lester, J. (2008). Performing gender in the workplace: Gender socialization, power, and identity among women faculty members. Community College Review , 35 (4), 277-305.

  • Lewis, A., & Fagenson-Eland, E. (1998). The influence of gender and organization level on perceptions of leadership behaviors: A self and supervisor comparison. Sex Roles , 39 (5), 479-502.

  • Mirza, A. M., & Jabeen, N. (2011). Gender stereotypes and women in management: The case of of banking sector of Pakistan. South Asian Studies , 26 (2), 259-284.

  • Moren-Cross, J., Wright, D. R., LaGory, M., & Lanzi, R. G. (2006). Perceived neighborhood characteristics and problem behavior among disadvantaged children. Child Psychiatry and Human Development , 36 (3), 273-294.

  • Payne, R. K. (2004). The role of economic diversity in employee retention, promotion, and training. Retrieved April 2014, from

  • Portillo, S., & DeHart-Davis, L. (2009). Gender and organizational rule abidance. Public Administration Review , 69 (2), 339-347.

  • Rice, M., Kang, D.-H., Weaver, M., & Howell, C. C. (2008). Relationship of anger, stress, and coping wth school connectedness in fourth-grade children. Journal of School Health , 78 (3), 149-156.

  • Sayeski, K. L., & Brown, M. R. (2011). Developing a classroom management plan using a tiered approach. TEACHING Exceptional Children , 44 (1), 8-17.

  • Scott, T. M., Park, K., Swain-Bradway, J., & Landers, E. (2007). Positive behavior support in the classroom: Facilitating behaviorally inclusive learning environments. International Journal of Behavioral Consultation and Therapy , 3 (2), 223-235.

  • Sobiraj, S., Korek, S., Wesler, D., & Mohr, G. (2011). When male norms don’t fit: Do traditional attitudes of colleagues challenge men in non-traditional occupations? . Sex Roles , 65, 798-812.

  • Sullivan, A. L., Klingbeil, D. A., & Van Norman, E. R. (2103). Beyond behavior: Multilevel analysis of the influence of sociodemographics and school characteristics on students' risk of suspension. School Psychology Review , 42 (1), 99-114.

  • United States Department of Labor. (2014, April). United States Department of Labor. Retrieved April 14, 2014, from Equal Pay:



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