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Leadership Project




Once the desired behavior is achieved, a new quasi-stationary equilibrium must be established (refreezing) to avoid regression to the previous behavior. This may be one of the more difficult steps in the change process, since it involves making changes to organizational culture, norms, policies, and practices. The new behavior must also “[be] congruent with the rest of the behavior, personality, and environment of the learner, or it will simply lead to a new round of disconfirmation." This is consistent with David Nadler’s Congruence Model of Change, that suggests, “In systems the interaction of the components is more important than the components themselves.... overall effectiveness relies on the internal congruence, or fit, of its basic components." It is therefore important to always see the larger system within which change is occurring, and evaluate the change’s impact to the various components of the system.


Hospice administration has agreed to continue the process of implementing the new staffing model recommendations and home visit models developed during my time with them. Once the new behaviors are adopted, refreezing will be accomplished by analyzing the new Home Visit Model as it relates to the culture of quality, the mission of the organization, the functions of other hospice employees, job descriptions, and performance evaluations, etc. Congruence with other organizational processes is essential to ensuring the new behaviors become part of the new norm for the organization. It is likely additional interventions may be required to bring other components of the system into alignment.


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